Fiji is an independent country lying on the border between the Polynesian and Melanesian regions of the Pacific. The second most populous Pacific island country, it hosts a number of regional and international organisations.
Fiji is an upper middle-income country, with a relatively diverse and sophisticated economy. Economic growth has been inclusive, with consecutive governments supporting universal education, health and infrastructure.
Australia is one of Fiji's largest trade and investment partners. Major Australian merchandise exports to Fiji include wheat, liquefied propane and butane, meat and paper. Major Australian merchandise imports from Fiji include gold and garments. Personal travel and transport make up the majority of bi-lateral exports.
Australia is a major source of foreign investment for Fiji, valued at approximately AUD1.34 billion in 2018. Australian investment in Fiji is focused on tourism, the financial sector and manufacturing.
Australia is Fiji's leading donor in health and education and a major donor in private sector development and governance. Australia's development assistance targets the cross cutting issues of gender equality, disability inclusion, disaster risk management and support to civil society.
Australia's development cooperation objectives include supporting increased private sector development; improving human development; and supporting Fiji’s recovery from Tropical Cyclone Winston.
Informing upgrades to Fiji’s Lautoka Wharf
A feasibility study to inform wharf improvements
Reducing the impact of floods in Nadi, Fiji
Supporting flood mitigation
Restoring roads and bridges across Fiji
Upgrading road surface and bridges
Upgrading Fiji’s international and outer island airports
Upgrading infrastructure across several airports
Support to the Fiji Rural Electrification Fund
Australia's support to the fund will help bring solar power to some of Fiji’s most remote communities.