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With improved digital connectivity a priority across the Pacific region, the AIFFP is working with BW Digital to support opportunities for connectivity to the proposed Hawaiki Nui submarine cable.

Supporting opportunities to connect to the Hawaiki Nui submarine cable network

Supporting opportunities to connect to the Hawaiki Nui submarine cable network


Signed and Announced

Project name:
Hawaiki Nui and Google Regional Submarine Cable Branching Units

Delivery partners

BW Digital

Australia, through the AIFFP, has signed agreements with BW Digital for the supply and installation of branching units and for an indefeasible right of use for capacity on the proposed Hawaiki Nui submarine cable.

The Hawaiki Nui cable is expected to connect Singapore and Australia, with ready-for-service expected in 2027.

This arrangement highlights Australia’s commitment to bridge the digital divide and facilitate secure and resilient high-speed internet connectivity to Pacific island countries and Timor-Leste.

Providing economically efficient options for international connectivity

AIFFP contribution

The arrangement is 100 per cent grant funded.


The branching units will benefit Pacific island countries by providing the opportunity for operators to branch into the Hawaiki Nui cable trunk. This will allow for direct connection to regional hubs, providing international connectivity resilience and latency benefits for the countries that connect.

Through improved digital connections, Pacific island countries will have greater access to global markets and information, promoting economic growth.